Anyone compare Herron VTSP-3a and Lamm L2.1 Deluxe?

Upgrading and I have access to nice deals on these but can't demo. Hoping someone has heard both?
@dhcod , I think you might be onto something with the tube rectification thing as I love my Lamm, tube rectified, love my Allnic H1500se phono over the Herron phono, again tube rectified and love my Dennise Had Inspire headphone amp also tube rectified. I am just drawn to tube rectified equipment. Enjoy the music.
The Lamm is excellent and, if you’re interested, I’m happy to help you answer this question in your system.

- Colin

Lamm Industries dealer
I've heard the Lamm in a friend's system and lusted after it but just out of my price range. Go for the Lamm!
Just to follow up, I got the Lamm and it's ridiculous how much better my system, which I thought sounded pretty great before, sounds. Spacially and tonally just great. And bass! Finally. Thanks for everyone's help!