@soix @facten Reason I chose Bluesound Node is practicality, from blueOS app you can switch to you TV and streamer seamlessly. This is very important for my family, we do not want to use 3 remotes, 5 buttons to toggle between TV and music. Node has a great HDMI connection which makes life super easy. Also there are some DDS like Denafrips Hermes or Gaia to improve existing digital source output, that is my possible next step.
@juanmanuelfangioii I do not own an analog FE, all digital. I only enjoy analog music at HiFi conventions like Axpona. I totally agree with you this is preference thing. I love tube amp sound but I did not buy a tube amp for many reasons. If you own analog FE, absolutely enjoy it. I have CD collection and have CD player connected to my DAC. I try to get most out of what I have.