Anyone else upset about new Audiogon policies?

I've been a member since 2002, that's almost twenty years. Back then you had many free re-lists. Recently this changed to one free re-list. Now I find out that there is no more free re-list. Never did I receive any information from Audiogon about the new re-list policy. I only found out when I went to re-list something that I had paid $28 for that didn't sell in 30 days. Lets see, that's $1 per day for a listing. Anyone else upset abut this?

Showing 1 response by falconquest

I have bought and sold a fair amount of equipment over the years. The one thing I have noticed is that if you're looking for something there seems to be many more listings on the other "Mart" site. Lately I have used them for selling as a first choice due to the fees. I have never had an issue. I don't give a hoot about the ads. If the ads are what it takes then bring them on. My guess is that while I like and appreciate the A'gon site, from a selling standpoint they seem to be missing the boat. Take any well known piece of equipment and compare the number if listings on each site. My guess is you will find more on the other site. However, I do like the forum layout better here. My two cents.