Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?

Sounds like a new and innovative approach to a speaker design. The big question is, HOW DOES IT SOUND? Some interesting stuff on their website MANGER, but I'm curious to know the impressions of people who have actually heard one...I didn't make it to the CES this year.
Thanks Spere for your comments - the Manger's are quite extraordinary.

I have found them revealing of what you feed them but have been pleasantly surprised the "little" Zerobox 109 with its' 8" Scan Speak woofer can sound simply superb with a Sony receiver driving it.

Of course, we are using a Metronome front-end (typically the CD3-Sig, T2i-Sig or the Kalista/C2A combo) which is the best digital I have ever heard...and I'm an analog guy.
question about manger
can you used a few for professionel audio p.a
what is the dispersion from the high frequenties
greetings jack cross
Jack--your question is a bit incomprehensible. IF I get the gist: Mangers in a p.a. application, I'd say forget it. You don't have the the spl capacity in the first place.
I own 103 DIY for 10 years now.

Manger is depending (very) much on the electronics. That is somehow a disadvantage. Sometimes I would like to buy an amplifier which got superb reviews and has sensationell look only to find out that the rise time is to slow. Sh... Unfortunately for manger users the amplifier MUST be a fast one and a good one as many people already wrote to get the Best out of these beasts. But this sounds logical. If a speaker performs that well, of course you cannot connect just any amplifier and hope that this will work out wonders - to put it in other words: image fasten just any type of wheels to your ferrari and hope it will perform everytime perfectly well.

Tip: you can add Hologram profiles to the Manger to overcome the dispersion problems at high frequencies.

Another idea would be to activate the Manger. You can order an active module by for example Walter Fuchs former SAC. Activating Manger should be the ultimate solution as many report.

And by the way: even in passive mode the Manger perform exceptional. A Hifi freak which regularly comes to my place tells me every time that my system is the best DIY system he has ever heard. And he has heard quite many systems. He is old he should know it:-) And if you stay on the DIY side the sManger peaker should not come that expensive. Remeber even I own one:-)

Cheers Wolf