Anyone Get a Degritter for Xmas?

I'm thinking about taking the plunge and would love to hear owner experiences!

@jgreen19: Like your preferred inner sleeves, the thickness of the VSS inners prevents them from "bunching up" as you slide the LP into either the cardboard jacket or outer plastic sleeve, as can happen with the thinner MoFi (and other) sleeves. The open end is also identified with arrows, as are the MoFi.

When I put everything into outer sleeves, I switched from having the LP’s inside the cardboard cover to outside, laying alongside the cover inside the outer sleeve. MUCH better! With the VSS double-pocket models (available in both 2mil and 4mil versions, and with either a resealable or tuckable flap), the open end of the sleeve can be at either the top or the backside. I installed mine with the open end on the same side as the cardboard cover’s open side. With the LP installed in the LP rack, the record is completely protected from dust.

One reason I don’t like the IKEA Kallax racks---popular with record collectors---is that the back of the rack is open, allowing dust easy access to the open end of LP covers. The EKET I prefer has a closed back, preventing that. $55 for a 4-cubicle model. I have twelve of them, stacked three high by four wide.

I didn’t wait for Christmas, my birthday is early December so I have it now (my present to me). Now that I have the Degritter! I can pop a reasonably clean LP in the machine go do something else, and come back to a clean and dry album.

I am newly back into vinyl and I will buy used albums without fear because I clean them well. Kirmuss in conjunction with a Spin clean is what I had been using. I would stack LPs for a cleaning session which would take hours and hours to get through, I still stack really dirty albums until it is worth the time to clean them, but they now get the Spin clean, Kirmuss, Degritter treatment. The dirty albums stack goes faster too because I have changed the procedure to incorporate the Degritter. Degritter is a game changer!

12-2-2021 I wrote:  "I am not getting a Degritter for Christmas, but barring financial catastrophes I plan to get one to celebrate the Vernal Equinox."


Today March 20 is the vernal equinox.  I ordered the Degritter from Music Direct yesterday.  I will report my experience with it later.

I received the Degritter, read the manual and had it cleaning records within one and one-half hours. I am absolutely delighted with the results. Dirty old LPs so noisy I considered them unlistenable come out sparkling clean and play amazingly quieter. I couldn’t be more delighted.

I look forward to the autumnal equinox when I hope to buy a new DEQX DSP to replace my DEQX HDP4.