
Responses from huang

How often do you upgrade turntable ?
I went from a Yamaha when I was a kid... to CDs are wonderful, to a VPI Scoutmaster, to a Brinkmann Bardo. If money is right a Kuzma four point and a Lyra Atlas will grace it, but I'm pretty happy so if nothing is changed I would be happy. My ori... 
How often do you upgrade turntable ?
You are supposed to upgrade your turntable?  
Reviewing the fabulous Silversmith Fidelium Speaker Cables
Has anyone tried the Fidelium interconnects?  
ModWright Products
I have the Tryst headphone amp and love it. Dan is good people too. I know it's not what you asked but another data point.  
Brand new Lyra Delos - skewed cantilever
There was mention of a very low capacitance cable by @anthos314, I have a Delos and while I love it, the loading is set around 100 ohms and lower R in the form of a higher load might open it up even more. What are some low cap cables you know of.  
dust protection for turntables
@j-wall thanks  
Speakers on carpet over concrete
I was reading the other day that Richard Vandersteen, specifically uses spikes to enhance the sound from his speakers. He only wants drivers moving, not the enclosure. He wants the speaker to couple to the concrete because it moves less than any o... 
dust protection for turntables
@j-wall do you have a contact at I Tap, on their site I see their products but nowhere to order something specific like a TT cover.  
Difference between Brinkmann Bardo and Oasis?
@sc2 Yes I have the crystal mat.  
dust protection for turntables
@artemus_5 how is wood movement managed? That is a beautiful table though  
Difference between Brinkmann Bardo and Oasis?
This is an old thread, but I have a Bardo now and have been scouring the web, well cause that's what I do. My question is does anyone use a platter mat, and or a clamp/weight other than what Brinkmann provides.  
Honesty is How This Tube Dealer Built His eBay Business
Brent has been good to me and more than willing to answer questions.  
Anyone Get a Degritter for Xmas?
I didn’t wait for Christmas, my birthday is early December so I have it now (my present to me). Now that I have the Degritter! I can pop a reasonably clean LP in the machine go do something else, and come back to a clean and dry album. I am newly... 
What were the radio stations of your youth that helped you on your music/audio journey?
WHUS UCON CT. The cool thing was I would be listening to Jazz late weekend nights with my girlfriend. Following the jazz program classical programing would start. Frequently I was not in a position to change the station so I inadvertently gained a... 
Beware of Wayne's audio - Poor product quality & worst business ethics
Thanks, for the warnings. I was looking at some of his stuff.