Anyone has a reference system where amplification is SS ?

I never heard of audiophiles whose reference system had transistor amplification. It is always tubes. But maybe there are exceptions.


“no, transparent is not enough.”

Then you want added colorations. A perfectly legitimate personal preference. I like them too. But I use DSP for that so the transparency remains an option. Once you color your playback with a colored amp it puts that stamp on everything you play. 

“ I respect that unless you directly compare various solid state amps in a revealing system you might assume ’transparent’ is enough, and that transparent assumes other musical attributes. unfortunately that is not the case.”


if the amp is transparent, which most modern SS amps are if they aren’t clipping then all of the musical attributes encoded in the audio signal will be passed through to the speakers. By definition that’s what transparent does. 


“to illustrate my point here is a review”


and that’s where you lose me. Subjective reviews from Stereophile or other similar publications laced with vague flowery language are of no real interest to me. 

if the amp is transparent, which most modern SS amps are if they aren’t clipping then all of the musical attributes encoded in the audio signal will be passed through to the speakers. By definition that’s what transparent does.


so you are an ’all modern solid state amps sound the same’ guy if they are not clipping? and that means they are transparent? so class A, class A/B. Class D. Global feedback? zero negative feedback? 50 pieces in the signal path? 10 pieces in the signal path? heavy protection circuits? not much protection circuits? heavy chassis? lightweight chassis? my 2 channel mono blocks? and my pair of 8 channel Home Theater amps?

all solid state. not clipping. all the same?

and let’s assume they are all driving a speaker with an appropriate load and impedance for the amplifier power. so we remove the speaker variable from the question. but might different amps sound different on different speakers? or would each amp sound the same assuming the power was sufficient?

just wanting to make sure i understand.


scottwheel defines transparency not in a positive way...He believes in double blind test only, for sound qualia definition , then he defines transparency only in a negative way: Below a distortion limit if someone could not hear a difference this is transparency and all the rest is useless distortions or subjective illusions ...Any tube lovers is out for sure ...

I myself defines transparency in a positive acoustical way instead  : it is the way the gear/system/room/ears let the recorded acoustic live event be correctly and convincingly translated from playback to your acoustic conditions ( with more or less some kind of distortions nevermind )  ... My definition is relative ...

Transparency in a negative definition by double blind test is absolute, because it ask for a threshold of distortion so low no human can hear it ...Said otherwise the best amplifier dont add anything by itself to the signal...

It is the way objectivist define a good sound without need to refer to acoustics, psycho-acoustics but only electrical measures of the gear ...

it is not even wrong ... It is why objectivism in audio is preposterous ideological position being not even wrong ...

But the great acoustic discovery in the last decade is about the way any stereo system  is flawed by the crosstalk destructive effect on the spatial qualities of the recorded information of the live event for the ears ... Than transparency will be also related to a way (BACCH filters ) these spatial information could be translated in our room/ears for our brain ... Transparency is then not only and mostly an electrical notion about measured distortion it is mostly also the way the recording is translated in a room without loosing any of  the recorded acoustic information even if some distortion is added 😊 ...

Scottwheel must know better then , he own the BACCH filters ...😁


«A non paradoxical man does not exist»-- Anonymus thinker🧐


if the amp is transparent, which most modern SS amps are if they aren’t clipping then all of the musical attributes encoded in the audio signal will be passed through to the speakers. By definition that’s what transparent does.

“so you are an ’all modern solid state amps sound the same’ guy if they are not clipping?”

most. Not all

“scottwheel defines transparency not in a positive way...”

Please don’t try to speak for me. I don’t define transparency. It has its own definition. And there is nothing “negative” about it.