Anyone have their Audio Aero Capitole MKII yet?

I just received mine today and was looking for other's opinions about the MKII right out of the box as compared to the MKI (or other comparable players).
I TOO am having the problem getting the AA to play almost ANY track whether I try to play a specific track # or just use the < or > buttons to access a different track. THIS even happened on two NEW discs last night. Yes, the player is sounding better and better and seems to be cruising to world class status. BUT, at close to $9,000 and the new Philips Pro transport, I don't think it is too much to ask that it at least PLAY the tracks!! Bad, let me know what your dealer says about the volume issue. If anyone esles gets any info on what they plan to do on the tracking problem, please let us know.

Thanks guys.
Fmpnd: I wish you success in eliminating the Lamm and running it direct. If and when you sell the Lamm, you'll have more than chump change. You might even want to bid on the Beatles catalog.

I'm still waiting and waiting and waiting for my AA Capitole. Good luck with yours.
Gerry-You have good company for the waiting game, which MANY of us are still playing. But you already know my contentions on that situation, may not be appropriate here ;) ~Tim
Dealer told me to call Audio Aero directly and will do so on monday.

I do not have any tracking problems though, so i dont really think this is a standard bug....
Tim: It will take a act of God for us to have the player by even next week (week of 6/17/02). I spoke to Globe Marketing on Friday (after talking with them Monday) and they told me that AA wasn't even answering their e-mails about the next such, even the importer himself doesn't know when they're coming.

So, there's no way to know when we will see them. No time soon, I'm afraid. The waiting game continues and continues....