Anyone have Warfedale Linton 85th anniversary?

I saw this review on Erin's website was wondering if anyone has these speakers and what you think of them.


How good they be for just $1,500/pair.  They also look cheaply made by watching the video.  I think people would be better off saving for a better pair of speakers.  If they only cost $1,500/pair what did they cost to manufacture and what did they wholesale for.

Well, I purchased Linton from Crutchfield and tried them at home for 60 days. I retained them as my main speaker in the living room. In particular, I like their nimble bass. If you desire to reach 20+ hertz weighty low end just add a quality sub. Depending on the music, sometimes I felt the treble is a bit shouty but after I switch the power amplifier from Parasound A23 to NC 2125 V2, the issue was greatly resolved. Basically, A23 renders higher resolution but brighter treble too. The NC 2125 also has lower damping factor around 150 so gives the Linton not overly tight bass as it does from A23 (over 1000). So, overall, the match between the Linton and the amplifier needs to be right in order for Linton to reveal its full potential.  Basically, I regard Linton as a poor man's Harbeth M30x with more extended low end.  Highly recommended.

So, who to believe? They all can't be right, can they? Danny at G-R Research showing they are definitely tilted toward the lower mid-bass in frequency response

For this purchase I'm going with Erin since his subjective opinion is backed by objective measurements.  DR at GR did not definitely show any such thing. Erin's Klippel measurements show a pretty good bass response. I doubt DR knows how to read klippel measurements. I take nothing this guy says seriously. If you feel the need to fiddle with them perhaps replace those iron core conductors with air core.  I understand these are  $1500 speakers and  I'm not at all sure how they will do in my room but I will measure them with REW for any needed EQ as well use my usual suspect list of tracks. Using a little EQ in roon is cheaper than switching amps. 

GR never show the SPL chart below 200 hz for his measurement. How can he evaluate the bass response / performance for any speaker I wonder. In this case here I would agree and have more trust in Erin’s measurements and his subjective assessments.

Here’s my Warfedale In room average. As you can see it needs some tweaking below 200hz.  But they really sound great the way they are.