
Responses from lanx0003

NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
Is it the gear or the ears?
remember: music is about joy, not perfection. Pursuing perfection is a joy. I find great joy/satisfaction in the process of striving for it. However, the standard of perfection varies from person to person but nothing is wrong with that. One ga... 
Aurender a1000 impressions vs Eversolo A6 and Cambridge Cxn100
I can attest to the superiority of the Cambridge Audio CXN100 over the so-so Eversolo A6, which I auditioned for nearly a month. From there, I trust your ears regarding the claim of slight sonic improvements of the A1000 over the CXN100. The Cambr... 
As good or better than Magnepan 3.7i
Aura - Entry level of Estelon but fits the mid-sized room better than the Forza. Heard both in a show. Quite impressive.  
Nearfield Low-Level Listening : New Speakers or EQ? Thoughts?
EQ will render a more cost-effective solution for you. The reason is that even a V-shaped SPL speaker will, in most cases I’ve seen, provide a boost of around 5 dB in the mid-bass and upper registers. However, to achieve the equal loudness contour... 
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable?
To experience an old-fashioned style of entertainment occasionally— that's all. I grew up with LPs and Telefunken, but I don’t miss them anymore. The availability of decent LPs is a major issue.  A full year of Qobuz subscription could only buy 4 ... 
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why.
The toe-in angle can also be used to tone down brightness and correct the imbalance of two-channel sound caused by, for example, asymmetrical sides.  
Shameless Poll: Pearl vs Ohm vs Zu
I will sincerely decline these offers but hand in my wish list to Santa for next Xmas.  
Would you rent a $14,000 DAC for $75 per day?
No. Some people either don't know or don't care to follow the proper sequence for turning on a system (starting with the source) or turning it off (starting with the amp). Additionally, some people neglect to turn off the system before swapping ou... 
Vacuum Tube Preamp for Solid State Power Amp Pairing
These sub $5k, rated class A gears might be viable choices... Audio-GD Vacuum HE1 Lab12 Pre1 PrimaLuna EVO 400 Rogue Audio RP-7    
Streamers and software
If you believe that the CA MXN10 with its internal DAC sounds as good as: EverSolo A8 HiFi Rose RS250A Holo Spring 3 iFi Neo Stream Lumin P1 LTA Aero —all of which are rated Class A by Stereophile—then your choice of owning budget-friend... 
2025 Audio System Wish List Time!
@cdc @pinwa @blackbag20  Thank you for the recommendations. They certainly have their value proposition, even though they are only rated up to Class B by Stereophile. The only sub-$5k speaker rated Class A is the MA Silver 500 7G.  Do you have exp... 
2025 Audio System Wish List Time!
Floor-standing speakers that achieve true low 30Hz (-3dB) frequency, are priced under $5,000, are at least 90% made in the U.S., and possess all the desirable sonic qualities of end-game speakers.  Anyone?  
Preamp issue
I think that, with or without the preamp, your weak link is the streamer. I have had both the Wiim and MXN10, and the MXN10 is clearly on another level.  
Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?
i’m a mastering engineer with 11 Grammy winning projects in my résumé Would you please list the Grammy-winning projects? I’d love to give them a listen. Thanks.