Richard is right,Philips stopped production.I found a spare CD Mechanism (CDM-3) for sale (450$USD) out of Japan a while ago.Before I send the money I called Krell for their opinion.There is no way of knowing if that spare was functioning or NOT.
I just had to believe whatever the seller told me.It was without box-instructions e.t.c.Krell said that they would have to check the mechanism for integrity.I decided not to buy that spare.My transport is mint right now with few hours I will deal with problems if and when arise.A local High-end retailer told me that cd transports have about 7-10 years of life expectancy.I think of it like having a nice car and all of a sudden you go and buy a spare engine block just in case you need for replacement.Kind of silly.
Smeyers. Enjoy your new transport,it will be superior than your Denon IMHO,Did you buy the one from Larry at High-End Palace ???I am in the middle of getting a Northstar 192 right now that is using the current Philips CD-PRO2 Mechanism.