Anyone heard the new ARC LS28 SE?

In looking at getting a new preamp. I need balanced outputs for new amps. Has anyone heard the new ls28 se? Wondering how it compares to reference 6 or even the 40th anniversary preamp.

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Choosing between a 28SE and a Ref 6 is not an easy choice.  I don't know what I would do between those two.

I've owned the LS28, 28SE, Ref 6 and Ref 6SE.  The SE versions are significantly better than the non-SE counterparts.

To me, the LS pres do almost everything the Ref ones do, but the Ref preamps are much better with scale and perspective i.e. not only are instruments placed correctly, but they sound appropriately sized.  The LS pres are more homogenous, presenting a viola and a cello as similarly sized instruments.

I also find the Refs sound more relaxed and effortless.  The soundstage is larger with the Ref preamps, too.

There is the slightest hint of harshness in the LS28s.  I would probably never have noticed if I hadn't stepped into the Ref line.