Anyone heard the Onkyo sp 1000 yet?

I am looking for a universal player to match my Von Schweikert vr4 jr's and Cary cinema 5 amp. I am using a complete Von Schweikert system with 2 subs. I heard the onkyo was excellent. Any opinions or other suggestions?
Back when I bought a 5900, I also bought a 8k pre/pro amp combo to try out multi channel hi rez and made 3 more custom speakers whith Scan speak drivers and all the best parts.
It turned out that after spending over 14k, I preffered most hi rez in 2 channel and ended up with overkill surround H/T speakers.

As far as the hi rez surround control goes, I am probably not the best person to answer this, but you can control over analog, speaker size and distance, and if you use the small setting, your stuck whith 80hz.

Don't know anything about how these settings work whith I link either.
Actually, What HiFi october 04 said that the Onkyo SP1000 and the Merdian G-98 both passed up the DV-50.
It says the Merdian had a slight edge for audio, and the SP1000 had an edge for video and ranked them as so.
Onkyo SP1000 5 and the "real star" of the 3
Merdian G98 5
DV-50 4.5
Basically...they were shocked at how well the Onkyo did for both audio and video.

The Pioneer 59avi and Denon 3910 were placed in a lower tier than the above three players.
FWIW - I have had the Integra DPS 10.5 (very similar to the SP1000), the Meridian G98 and the DV-50 (as well as the DV-50S) all in my system at one time or another over a very short time period.

My observations were somewhat different. I firmly believe you must have a system capable of revealing the differences in order to realize them. I do not claim to understand what makes one system more revealing than another, but I could really tell differences between these three machines (this truly surprised me...especially with the Meridian), and the Integra ranked low for audio in my system. I tried it using all connections available too.

The Integra did have the best PQ though (albeit an A/V sync problem)...and that was quite clear...pun intended. And the build quality of the Integra was equal if not better than the Meridian and the Esoteric too.

Now - The Meridian is a transport only, so it is not really apples to apples. In my system, for CD playback, it was the best I had heard. A very close second was the DV-50 via its analog 2-channel output. Then third...and a distant third to me for audio...was the Integra. The Denon 3910 ranked below the Integra, but that difference was much smaller than the difference between the Integra and the Meridian and Esoteric.

I don't think you can beat the Integra/Onkyo for its price point. I really wanted to keep it, but it is just not in the same league as the Meridian or the Esoteric when it comes to audio.

This is just my observation/opinion in my system.
I might read reviews from time to time, but I put absolutely no stock in them anymore whatsoever.
I have bought components that were top rated by the rags, and they absolutely sucked, or did not match up with my other gear.
Are you saying that none of the 6 pro extensive reviews were using revealing systyms?
Also no sync issues on mine or any of the review samples.

I can only speak for my comparison of the SP1000/3910/5900/modded 963sa and Modwright Signature 9000 es with all options including the more expensive Jensen power supply caps and bybees.

Using my just sold here Ram modded Sim I-5 and my very revealing custom made all Scan speak speakers with revelators and all the best parts,dedicated lines,Audience and VH flavor 4 power chords, Ap oval 9's and Az matrix ic's.
Maybe not among the very best set ups in hi end, but certainly good enough to hear differences among dvd based players.

The onkyo was far more musical than the Denons, along with having better bass and a deeper soundstage with more inner detail.

When one player has your toes tapping, and the other has you just listening, this equates to a prat advantage on the Onkyo.
They love Prat in the U.K and the 1000 has it in spades.
One of the German reviews had the sa-cd playback rated higher than redbook and dvd-a on the 1000, so that also needs to be factored in imo as these are universal players...not dedicated redbook players.
That review had the redbook playback rated 87% dvd-a 90% and sa-cd 95% I beleive.

These players were judged for build, picture quality, redbook and hi rez playback...not just redbook.

I do agree whith placing the Denon and Pioneer players in a lower tier for lack of build,musicality and the difference in picture quality on my 110 inch screen using the 1000 as compared to the 5900 and 3910..

At any rate, I believe any of the higher end dvd based players value will plummet once hi def dvd arrives this summer.
If not for this, I would consider one of the more expensive universals to at least compare for myself.
For now, I believe the DV-SP 1000 is by far, the best buy in a universal whith hi def dvd looming ever closer.

The next time you see a review comparing a Denon or Marantz ect player that sells for 1600.00 in the U.S. to an 11K Linn Unidisk or even the Merdian and DV-50.....please let me know.