Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
I totally agree with Onhwy61. Let me add that there seems to be a few people in this thread that are a bit too over exuberant about this product, and leads me to believe that they might have a connection with the company beyond just purchasing their product. Not pointing any fingers here but it is a bit over the top. As with all fads, DBX etc. these types of devices will come and dissapear just as fast. As the police are sometimes fond of saying, "nothing more to see here folks, time to move on."
Onlywy61... I have made it known...a few times.

Like I stated prior... After the first time I heard Qol, I was a believer. I then asked BSGT to allow me to become a dealer.

hifigeek1, you should have a listen to may change your opinion as to how one may become passionate about a technology.

I have to say though...since most if not all Qol owners are "overly exuberant" about the product...that should really allow readers to draw a positive conclusion about the product.

disclaimer1: I am a very happy Qol user and proud dealer.
I'm sure there are plenty of units on back order since they are sold out. So there should be more people sounding off in a month or two that are not dealers. Really, when you think about it, would it really be in a dealers best interest to promote this thing? I mean some one might be thinking about upgrading speakers, cables, or anything but won't if the QOL improves their system enough not to try anything new. A lot of guys buy something new for the system yearly or every 6 months but this has the potential to slow all that down thus hurting dealer business.

I am not a dealer and have had a week with my QOL. I have done more evaluting and I and still very happy. I can't imagine pulling it out of my system at this point. So I doubt it will be a "nothing to see here" passing fad for me.