Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
"Don't have any familiarity with Trifield, but note that regardless of spatial stuff, qøl™ also widens dynamic range, reveals more detail and more harmonics"

Larry,your description of the qol's influence on the musical signal sounds just like the very same thing my ears hear using the Harmonic Recovery System of yester-year.John Sollectito of SCE was the developer of said unit.Your description from above is exactly what I hear with the HRS in line. It recieved great reviews from reviewers and users alike.
Bryon my comments were not directed towards you. I agree with you 100%. My comments were directed to those who offer opinions of said gear without hearing it in their systems. Or simply dismissing it because of promotional verbage. Asking how it works is just dandy. There are those who need to know "how" great, no issues here. Just for me it does not matter. The end result no matter how described or implemented is the final test. We could go into detail how, why and so on. I feel it is moot.
The qol is a game changer. In over 40 years now hearing all types of systems and devices there have been contenders but no cigar until now. HRS, Carver, Hafler and so on have produced products that offer only a glimpse of what Qol can offer.
We have never been closer to the live experience until Qol entered our home. At $3995 it was a stretch which my wife reminded me of almost everyday. Then when heard she has changed her tune. She stated "great no more purchases coming along now that we have this". I responded and said "got that right" but ya know that Weis DAc is looking good. The door slamed and we were back to normal. Go figure.
Anyway not trying to start any flame wars. Whomever you are listen to one in your system and judge for yourself.

Thank you, Pipedream, for you post. I am in agreement with you that sound quality and listener enjoyment are far more important considerations than principles of design or details of implementation. My interest in design and implementation is a result both of my desire to increase listener enjoyment and my interest in technology, both audio technology and technology more generally. That seems to be a fairly common motivation among A'gon participants.

Having said that, I will acknowledge that, in spite of the wide range of reasons why people post about various products, they can be grouped into two broad types: those who habitually post about products they like and those who habitually post about products they don't like. The first group is usually looking for ideas and information. The second group is usually looking for trouble.


A couple years ago, when I made the transition from lurking to participating, I had no idea how rewarding it would be. It's been great fun to share my experiences and hear about other people's experiences. I've learned a great deal from other participants, and I've met some very kind people along the way.

So welcome to Audiogon!
