Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
Thank you, Pipedream, for you post. I am in agreement with you that sound quality and listener enjoyment are far more important considerations than principles of design or details of implementation. My interest in design and implementation is a result both of my desire to increase listener enjoyment and my interest in technology, both audio technology and technology more generally. That seems to be a fairly common motivation among A'gon participants.

Having said that, I will acknowledge that, in spite of the wide range of reasons why people post about various products, they can be grouped into two broad types: those who habitually post about products they like and those who habitually post about products they don't like. The first group is usually looking for ideas and information. The second group is usually looking for trouble.


A couple years ago, when I made the transition from lurking to participating, I had no idea how rewarding it would be. It's been great fun to share my experiences and hear about other people's experiences. I've learned a great deal from other participants, and I've met some very kind people along the way.

So welcome to Audiogon!

Currently have the QOL on trial. Having heard it after 100 hrs of break-in wanted to get experience from others who have had it longer. What I am hearing is in the by-pass mode the sound is "veiled" and dose not reflect a true " un-QOL" sound. When I removed the QOL from the system the sound was much better from the by-pass mode and in my ears not that far different with the QOL in the "chain". So, a better comparison may be QOL versus non QOL rather than "bypass". What say you? Thanks.
For me the bypass mode is moot. Just no reason for it IMO. Yes I agree with that. Qol vs. non Qol.
Bypass mode is not the same as direct, period. When Qol is engaged though the affect wrought far outweighs anything else.
It takes at least 300 hours to sound its best. Bummer yes but worth the wait.
Is it installed after the preamp ?