Anyone here using Bent Audio MU MC into Modulus 3a

Just want to try moving coil. Right now a dynavector 10x5. The audible illusions has enough gain to drive it.

Itching for an upgrade, a got a good deal on a used 17d2 II cart the other.

The modulus 3a dont have enough gain to drive it.

Research shows that the Bent Audio Mu MC is a very good step up.

Has anyone here actually did a Mu MC into a Modulus 3a ?

Comments highly appreciated.

Mid40sguy - When I had a superb prototype MM phonostage to try, I did so with a 1:10 Bent Audio TX103 with the copper option (never heard the silver unit). At that time I compared it to the Classe Audio NIL and an Ear MC-3. I now have a MC phonostage so the BA unit does not get as much use as before.

I do not know if the 3a has both MM and MC inputs. You will have to determine which gain option, 1:5 or 1:10 is appropriate if you only have an MC input. Via the MM input that is wide open at 47k Ohms, you cannot go wrong with the TX103. In my system it outperformed the other two units available to me at the time. The added convenience/benefit of it having a leadout wire eliminates the need for an additional IC. Further, the cartridge loading posts along with the resistor set the manufacturer provides allow you to dial in your desired cartridge loading.

You can also get a TX103 that allows you to switch between one of two gain settings. Happy listening!

The audible illusions has MM only, no MC thats why i need a step up for the lowish 17d2.

hoping that the Mu mc will sound good with the ai mod3.

Mid40sguy - To clarify, the TX103 that I am refering to is the same as what you are calling the MU MC unit. Enjoy!
The K & K phono stage only comes in one standard version, although Kevin Karter can customize the disign to some extent. This phono stage has both mm and mc capability and it also provides 3 or 4 load settings for mc cartridges. It cost about $1,700 new. This would be, in my humble opinion, a better purchase than the TX103 as it would give you superior phono with both mm and mc cartridges. There are other good phono stages on the used market that could be considered (eg. Audio Research PH3SE, Herron etc.).
How does one compare for example:

Ear 834P using its Mc stage vs my audible illusions modulus 3a with the step up like the Bent Mu MC ?
