Anyone in Vegas listen to the Gilmore speakers???

If so, any impressions? Thanks in advance.
CW: Let me guess; You live in New England?

I thought the Gilmores construction was first rate.
It would be hard to flub a design this simple.
I did think the black metal frame holding the ribbon could have been gold/chrome plated, however.

The sound of the big panels was noticably disjoined if sitting too close but merged nicely at distance.

And are you saying a manufacturer shouldn't be enthusiastic about their product at a trade show?

Come back to 'Vegas. It's sunny and 65 degrees today.

I am not in New England, I am in NYC where the wind chill is well below zero. But even 65 and sunny wouldn't lure me back to hear those speakers.

The "london" in my User ID comes from London, England and the English word for Mr Gilmore is "spiv".

With or without gold, chrome or even platinum plating, I thought the metal around the ribbons looked uneven and sloppily rendered, hence my remark about build quality.

Where is all the hype coming from?

I thought this was a community of enthusiasts sharing their honest opinions, not a bulletin board for PR meisters seeking free advertising.

Even sex might not be able to sell these things.
Cwlondon- I agree with everything you've said minus that last statement, have you ever seen Ron Jeremy? I rest my case :o)