Anyone know of good active crossovers?

I have a powered sub but can bypass the crossover section to use an active crossover. My problem is meshing the sub to the mains which is a little difficult when the mains are running full range and the sub is being cut off at a steep slope. I'm on a limited budget. I was just wondering if anybody knew of any bang for the buck active crossovers for say $200 or less used or new. If they degrade the sound too much at that price I won't bother. Is there anything at that price to really improve my situation?

Another one, Paradigm X-30....around $125 used. It will only degrade the sound, if someone tells you it does. (so, just don't ask!)

I have an X-30 in use, in one of my system great.

For a little more money, NHT and SHU Research come to mind. (very hard to find these units used)

I think the HSU hi-pass filter is around $100 from HSU is hi-pass only.
