Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
FYI- I believe a Berkeley run direct to go tube amps is a stellar combo (if you don't do vinyl)

That is my current setup, though will try a Mac C2300 preamp in front after the amps are broken in.
Keith, other than the Mac and current amps, what others have you tried on the Zus?
I believe your DEF IV and Sophia 845 SET pairing will provide you with stunning musical realism and 'natural' beautiful sound. In terms of resoulution,nuance,tone/timbre and dynamic ebb and flow you will have sublime results. I look forward to your future impressions.
Glory, I'm disposing of a Burmester 948 conditioner, superior, to my ears at the time, to the Audience, PS Audio and Isol units that I auditioned. Sound quality was much improved wrt to standard mains re tonality and noise floor, but dynamics always appeared a bit 'pinched'.
On installing a decidedly non-audiophile standard industrial grade 4kV (and in my opinion it shouldn't be any less than this) Airlink balanced mains transformer, all the positive attributes of the Burmester were maintained, with unrestricted dynamics. I now love listening to music thru the day, with v.little improvement after dark.
There are two caveats to this; one, it took 4-6 weeks for the treble to open up from an initially hard sounding start, attributeable to the 60+lbs of copper in the transformer burning in; and two, upgrades are always system dependent, but in my case with really corrupted mains quality in my area, upgrading power has always taken precedence over equipment supports etc.
My Airlink has 2 outlets, from each I run an 8 way multi socket, and plug audio and video components into these.
I believe Airlink is a UK provider (230v) only, but there will be companies in each country that should supply locally.
After a period I may investigate a Westwick pro studio unit that uses 150lbs! of copper in its 8kV unit that may provide an overkill solution to mains contamination. In the USA I believe Torus provide a similar level of engineering.
As a point of reference in the past the Definition was a 6-ohm load and inappropriate for the Atma-Sphere S-30 although the M-60 was fine with it. Zu offered the Definition in a 30-ohm edition that by all reports was an excellent combination with the S-30.

The newer versions of the Definition seem to be an easier load and I was told be Sean at the 2011 RMAF that there is a switch that can set the speaker to a higher impedance.