It seems you have built a truly excellent system,congratulations! Without question you`ll get numerous opinions regarding which power amp is better for your system.The ASR does seem to be overkill power(on paper anyway) yet I don`t doubt glory,agear or others who prefer it(why should I?). The issue is what type of sound moves you and connects you to the music you enjoy.
Depending on your ears and taste I could see any of the 3 choices working out great for you.For me given my preferences and priorities I`d buy the Audion amp in a heartbeat.But as we all know it purely personal choice as opposed to some infailiable objective rule book. Hey, just buy which ever one sounds best to your ears when the time comes. It is pointless to argue about which amp is better in absolute terms, audio is the epitome of a subjective endeavor.
It seems you have built a truly excellent system,congratulations! Without question you`ll get numerous opinions regarding which power amp is better for your system.The ASR does seem to be overkill power(on paper anyway) yet I don`t doubt glory,agear or others who prefer it(why should I?). The issue is what type of sound moves you and connects you to the music you enjoy.
Depending on your ears and taste I could see any of the 3 choices working out great for you.For me given my preferences and priorities I`d buy the Audion amp in a heartbeat.But as we all know it purely personal choice as opposed to some infailiable objective rule book. Hey, just buy which ever one sounds best to your ears when the time comes. It is pointless to argue about which amp is better in absolute terms, audio is the epitome of a subjective endeavor.