Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Glory – agreed re: Atma-Sphere amps. I’ve owned the MA1 MkII.2 ~8 years ago and liked them for what they did. I upgraded to the MA1 MkIII’s (after a brief run with high power SS, Parasound JC1’s) and loved the added finesse and a touch of sweetness on top the MkIII brought. With the M60 MkIII.1’s and Cu-foil Teflon Vcaps, driving a relatively easy load in the Def 1.9 and now Def4, there is much to love about their sonic merits. Comments from you and others regarding the ASR are intriguing. In time, I hope to be able to hear them to determine for myself whether they possess the combination of unique attributes that “float my boat”.

213Cobra – your comments are interesting re: Audion/Sophia amps. What I noticed with the Sophia’s in reference to the M60’s is that they were a little sweeter, had a little more “density” to the midrange tone, and a little more sense of coherency or “cut from the same cloth” sound (at least from upper bass to treble); however, the latter seemed, upon further listening, to be a coloration imparted on all music and ultimately became a bit of a distraction. There was also something going on in the upper midrange / lower treble that showed up on some tracks. Wished the mfg would have been more supportive of a tube roll to see if it addressed this issue, but he was not and I had limited time to evaluate them. The Atma M60’s had significantly more drive, a larger soundstage, more air on top & weight on bottom, though none of the aforementioned was perceived as lacking while listening to the Sophia’s. I have heard that the Sophia’s have a lower noise floor than the Audion’s? Although noise didn’t significantly factor into my evaluation of the Sophia, I wouldn’t want it to be too much higher. Can this be a distraction with the Audions?

Agear – thanks for your explanation of how you came to your current views regarding amplifiers. I always find the path one has charted in this hobby (as well as the associated knowledge and relationships) to be illuminating. It seems some sections of the path are almost universally crossed, yet depending on too many variables to list, each of us, at any given time, find ourselves at a unique point on our own path. And as such, each of us are differently inclined at any given moment to move in one direction or another. Enough philosophizing. I am curious about the NCore from Hypex…read one of their white papers and, although over my head technically, was interesting nonetheless. There seems to be enthusiasm, if not true potential, in the class D approach. Consider me a casually interested bystander at the moment though.

SpiritofMusic – dude, you are going to be stoked with your new Def IV’s!! I listened/watched several concerts last night with my wife. Sound quality from digital out of the Oppo Blue Ray to the LIO-8 has never been as good as firewire from MBP to LIO-8, yet the sound quality improvement with the Def IV’s was dramatic. My wife is generally skeptical and not terribly interested in “sound quality”, yet she was visibly excited about what she was hearing and how “smooth” it is and “voices are so much clearer” and “I can hear the other instruments better” and “I hear what that bass guy is playing now” and “I could listen all night at this volume…it doesn’t hurt after awhile like before” It’s definitely a winner in our household and to echo what others have said…it is a SIGNIFICANT upgrade from the 1.9.
I am in a fair amount of agreement with Agear re power and room issues being essential to get a good sound, after all it is the foundation (power) and enviroment (room acoustics) that the gear is constrained by.
After some expensive forays into power conditioning, I've gone for cheap industrial balanced power and it's transformed my system esp. in the area of dynamics. I'm hoping that when funds permit I'll optimise this with a pro studio 8kV! balanced system to totally isolate the system from nasties.
Unfortunately I'm not able to create a dedicated room, so my improvement to acoustics/enviroment has been to install a SpatialComputer Black Hole anti wave bass attenuator. In my room at least this has smoothed out peaky standing waves and bass nodes esp at 27.1Hz leading to a much flatter in room response. Depending on bass integration of the Def4s in my room, my listening space's cubic volume of 8000 cubic feet suggests poss installing a couple more.
Both these solutions have been so effective that it was a tight call whether I would actrually finally make the upgrade to the Def4s.
Hi Glory,
I`ve said all that I have to say regarding the issue of amp preferemces. If I inferred incorrectly from agear`s posts then that`s my misinterpretation of his tone and or point he was making.It `s very clear people here are happy with a variety of amplifiers,ASR, Quad,Atmasphere,Audion,Ancient Audio etc.driving their Zu speakers.It seems the amp discssion had taken on a life of its own and was becoming redundant.We all have our choices and if that improves one`s system/enjoyment that`s the ultimate goal.I don`t even have Zu speakers but found this thread very interesting to follow.
Charles, you can add Hovland gear to the list of that prove that the Zu's are amp friendly. My HP200 tube pre and Radia ss pow have a great synergy with the 2s and I am more confident by the day this will be the case with the 4s.
I'm of the opinion that this overheated discussion of what makes and doesn't make the perfect amp for the Zu's is a little redundant.