Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
I had cosmic carbon Superflys and now piano black Def 2s. The Cosmic isn't bad, like everything it comes down to taste. I really like the contrast of the silver hardware on the glossy black finish--looks classy to me... Classier then the room they're sitting in now, but will be worthy of displaying when I move.
And how are you liking the sound of those shiny Def 2s? Have I missed impressions that you've posted?
Gopher, actually I'm quite smitten by your Cosmic Carbon Superflys. I really wanted something a little more unique than the ubiquitous black, but also wanted to stay colour neutral. I think I'm going to be happy with how they look, and sound.
I am with Gopher on this one. . . shiny, gloss, piano black. Somehow when paired with the aluminum trim, it seems elegant rather than "common."
A question for the Def 2 owners who moved to Def 3/4--did you guys notice a change in performance for low level listening for the better with the newer speakers?

I love these Def 2s, but I feel they like a little volume to really fill out. I'll be getting the nanotech drivers later this month and 'm curious if thats another likely improvement. Speakers are on the opposite wall of the master bedroom and my wife is usually in bed by 10, while I like to stay up and listen late into the night...