

New listening room (HELP!)

New listening room (HELP!)

I've moved into a more permanent room where my stereo will reside for the next two years and I need help treating it. I don't want to spend anything crazy as I'm just renting this house and will ev...

Listening Loft - System 2 (McIntosh)

Listening Loft - System 2 (McIntosh)

I'd really like to work on the room this system is in before throwing money at components. Please recommend afford (and visually pleasing) room treatments (see my other virtual system for additiona...

Listening loft - System 1 (Clearfield Rig)

Listening loft - System 1 (Clearfield Rig)

The Clearfield rig is one of 6 (3 HiFi, 1 MidFi, 1 Headphone & 1 HT) setups in the house. It is pretty modest, but sounds good for the amount we have invested. Goods: Top end is detailed and ...

Gopher's low watt progression

Gopher's low watt progression

I grew up around high end audio, but only really got into this hobby heavily in 2001 while in college. I've been through more gear than I like to think about and have learned a ton over the last de...

Gopher's Latest and Greatest

Gopher's Latest and Greatest

This system represents my attempt of finalizing a 'dream rig' and getting off the gear merry-go-round.

Gopher's low powered paradise

Gopher's low powered paradise

This is most of my system in my parents basement but I have a lot of my gear in storage (Analog rig, subwoofer, audio rack). I'm a law school student living at home for the summer, so bringing the ...