Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Hi Guys,
Just a quick update.....I hosted Sean on his trip to San Francisco last week the night before I left town on vacation (where I am now). I spontaneously called him last week after reading this thread and he told me that not only was he visiting SF but he would deliver a pair for me and that was an offer I could not refuse considering the in home trial and all of your feedback......So, Thursday Sean delivered and set up a new pair of Def mk iii's in a textured Matte Black finish (FYI gorgeous), so I not had about two hours of listening before my flight as Sean arrived very late at night.....
First impressions were......Stunning! They are a major upgrade over the Omen Defs I had which had the HO Drivers, the Mundorf Caps, and the Event wiring.......I thought that the Defs would be a 5% improvement or so over the Omen Defs but boy was I wrong......they are Killer! The new drivers make everything just better. If anyone is on the fence, you better order a pair of the mk iii's while you still can!
The major problem I had with the Omen Defs was the high frequencies which I thought was related to the tweeter. However with the same tweeter in the Def iii's, this problem is completely gone and everything sounds better. I think it must be that the improvement is from the new Nano Drivers.....detail, top end air, staging, imaging, etc. are all world class........I'm quite happy I came back to Zu and all of you waiting, Gopher included, are in for more than a few smiles!

It is not that they're poor, but they sound better with more gain. As Phil notes I have the early drivers with the pointy phase cones in my Def 2s--can't wait for the nanos I ordered to come in. Gerrit told me it would be towards the end of this month.


Great to read! I do recall your analysis as to the aliveness of the earlier models vs. my 'darker' definitions, but I didn't recall it in the context of low level listening. Very cool that it will further improve things for those late night hours when i don't want to go to bed, but do want my family to remain sleeping.


Awesome to read. I had the same issues you did with my Superflys--when placement wasn't locked in perfectly the top end could present kinda hot and fatiguing and everywhere else didn't really fill in as it should. I do think this was a result of the FRD and its finickyiness to placement in our prior models as that is a memory now and the Defs are very easy to make sound good (though I need to spend time getting the most from them).

Are you still using the AN211 with them? I should have mine ordered next week.

Why do you need others to say hiphiphooray for your chosen color/speakers and gear? And my I ask why has a reviewer got your new speakers before you? Very strange playing the pro reviewer game. Who cares what he thinks unless there is a $$$ discount for you and that puts $$$ in your pocket.

You screwed up you should have picked the glossy black LOL.

By the way you chaps have done a grand job over there on the Olympics. The UK is a special place indeed and I have toured London and Wales. Murray put on a great show.
Glory, you're reading a little too much into my comments. I made the choice of Cosmic Carbon from a few square inches of swatch, having never seen this colour in the flesh. So I just wanted some feedback from actual owners of Zu's in this colour that I hadn't made a huge mistake.
I'm not expecting anyone to say one thing or the other re my gear, just giving other readers of this thread an idea of my system so qs/opinions on the Def4s have a reference point.
If you really think I need adulation, I do, ALL the time. Why do you think I contribute to this thread, contributed by others who ALL need adulation too? Maybe you do, also.
The UK distributor asked kindly if I'd lend my spkrs out for review (since v. few pairs exist in the UK), and I gladly said yes. My little bit to advance the good name of Zu to the audio community which really do need to sit up and notice them. No $$$s in it for me.

You screwed up and should have checked your facts first LOL.

Your comments on the Olympics are the first correct comments you've made towards me, yes I very much agree with you there.