Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Hello. I just wanted to chime in with how happy I am with the pair of Zu Essence that I purchased the week before last on Audiogon. I now understand the benefits of Full Range Driver. I really love 'imaging', and am missing any so far, but it is a fair trade for how much the musician is actually right there in the room. I realize that they are not the be all and end all for definition, but here again all the music I have played is wonderful.

Of course I found this thread as my interest in Zu is heating up.....damn, I just want to be happy:)
Phil, your thoughts on toe in are spot on, I've reverted to a less acute angle for the 4s, their axes now intersect just behind the listening position. I'm still having frustrating issues dialling in analog, and am of the firm opinion that these spkrs are so revealing that components upstream really have to be performing of their best (which my tt obviously isn't quite).
I've decided to install a wall shelf to give the best inert platform for my tt, comprising, in sequence, wall brackets, 30mm slate shelf, sorbothane hemispheres, and second 30mm slate shelf. I'm confident this will give my records the shot in the arm the Def4s demand.
Can anyone out there tell me if I should be hearing anything adjusting PEQ on back of the 4s, to my ears nothing discernable.
I'm finally cracking the conundrum of the 4s, ie so much potential, but so many ways to not get them to sound that great. I've really been struggling getting esp. my tt to sound on a par with my prev 2s, and this has been spoiling my overall enjoyment of the 4s.
I've returned to less toe in, the spkrs are now 8' apart centre to centre of drivers, axes intersecting a few feet behind me, such that I can see a little of their inner walls, 14' to listening position and rear of spkrs 4' from front wall.
But, most critically, I've tamed the bass by turning the Low Pass Filter down to 40, and Volume down to 5. This has allowed bass to bloom more naturally in my space, and removed all hints of boxiness that was obscuring transparency and drawing attention to the cabinets.
The spkrs esp. on playing vinyl are now transformed, delicacy and transparency really heightened with deep bass only evident when present in material, adding that final jump factor back into the presentation.
I really couldn't be happier, aided by the fact that I'm incorporating a Symposium Isis rack into my system, really dealing excellently with vibration control.
Glad to read of the luck you've had, Spirit. My system is consistently enjoyable, but I'm not sure its always preferable to my Def 2s before I installed the nanotech drivers.

I'm admittedly poor with setup and that is likely the issue as I believe my supporting equipment to be quite good and up to par.

Any Long Island Zu experts out there want to lend a hand in fine tuning?
In most rooms, running the low pass filter above 40Hz is just too high. My LP setting is 38. Perfect. This also keeps excessive bass energy out of the vinyl mechanicals. Too much overlap with the FRD low end output if you're well above 40Hz, though can be helpful if you have a bass suck out in that 40Hz - 80Hz range.

Gopher: Next time I.m in New York....
