I'm not going to rush into a cap change at this point, although it's on my radar. The sound of the 4s is changing daily, thankfully for the better, as I continue to make small adjustments. Eg I've just located my amps onto Symposium Isis supports, and having placed Precision Couplers under the amps a whole layer of upper midbass colouration has cleared and a more transparent window to the music has resulted.
I always scoffed at audiophiles talking this way, but, ahem, I'm now guilty of applying hyperbole to what I perceive to be big changes in sound with ongoing changes.
What I'm concluding from this is that the 4s really are a remarkable transducer, presenting a really direct line to the music, and capable of revealing the quality of all elements in the chain between it and the source played.
I want to try a few changes, but based on my conclusions so far I'm certain a cap change will be noticeable, as would amp change from SS to SET 845/OTL.
Phil, please keep us all informed on your cap change findings. Please give serious consideration to trying the Dueland Cast Cu, apparently the best, but also the most expensive. The guy on the 6Moons site with DruidVs certainly concluded it was an advantage to swap out the stock Mundorfs.