Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
SchwO6, how (by yourself?) did you position your Defs on these babies? You can't slide them once they are atop the SPs. This is some serious weight you have to hold while ,forget about just getting then to properly sit on the SPs, but how do you adjust (turn in out,forward/back) the speaker placement. I cannot imagine this not being done without a posse of three?
It's actually very easy. You place the coupling disc on the spikes and secure it to the sides of the spike with a piece of tape. Then, just give the Defs a bear hug and set them on the spikes with the discs. It's a remarkable stable platform. Once on the spikes with the discs, you can pivot them with ease to change toe in. It's actually a lot easier than trying to adjust the toe in with the 4 spikes.
I, too, am intrigued to listen to my prototype Pre-One preamp and ZH-230 amplifier through a pair of Def IVs. Unfortunately, here in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota I am having trouble trouble finding a dealer or speaker owner where I could audition these electronics on Def IVs. I hate to think I have to order speakers to do this. The sad truth is I may have to cross the Def IVs off the list if I am unable to audition them. I was not bowled over by the Druids I heard at Axpona 2014 so I am even more anxious to really put the Def IVs through a listening session in which I am familiar with the upstream components.

Allvinyl, I wouldn't judge the new Druid V by Axpona 2014. They were using a peachtree audio integrated. Listen with a good SET amp. I run my Druids with 300b amps and Undertone sub and the pairing is excellent.
Don't judge the Druids by AXPONA... Zu is capable of a lot more and the Soul Supreme (pretty much the exact same speaker) sounded infinitely better 2 weeks later at T.H.E. SHOW in Newport Beach.