Anyone own a Pioneer Exclusive P3 ??

wondering if any one has heard one and how competitive it is to today's 10k tables
Well I managed to pick up an Exclusive P3 and have been playing it for just over a week now.

Built like a tank, looks gorgeous and has great in built isolation. What a great table period and I am a very happy chappy.

Obviously early days, but I feel I now have two ref tables (for me) that sound different enough that I can play any of my records and be truely happy with the sound.

Both the Raven AC-3 and P3 sound absolutely sublime with the amazing new Ortofon MC A90 cart.
Congrats, Downunder. I thought you had settled on, or settled for, a P10. I've now got a Kenwood L07D and an SP10 Mk3, neither of which are yet in service. But can a P3 be far behind?
Kenwood L-07D and Exclusive P-3(a) are the best integrated turntable systems from big Japanese companies. I will love to hear another owner comparison. I own L-07D and very happy with it.
Hi Lewn, Siniyl - thanks

Yes I do have a P10 as well, however I had the opportunity to get the P3 and could not pass it up.

I am not that concerned about P3 or p3a as they are almost the same. s/n ratio is the same. Only difference was in 1980 was the way Japanese measure changed giving all the tables a boost in the measured s/n ratio specs