Anyone receive their Zu Druid VIs yet?

Things seem to have gone a little dark on these speakers, or am I imagining that?  I ordered mine in September and didn't receive them yet.  Was curious if anyone has received theirs yet?

Haven't seen any new online traffic regarding the speakers either, which makes me wonder if any are really out yet?

If so, are they as expected?

Emailed Zu but didn't hear back on the status.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xparsons
Parsons, that’s excellent news. There’s always a danger that if a new product sounds more “nuanced”, “refined”, “accurate” etc, it may lose its joie de vivre, immersiveness, heft, drive.

It sounds like the VIs are not falling prey to improved SQ at the expense of ditching core Zu attributes.

Reports like yours are filling me with confidence that any future Definitions successor from Sean will follow the same pattern.

And the performance I’m wringing out of my 4s really puts a lot of 2-3x pricier rivals to shame.
Zu is running a good sale on Druid V right now.  So tempting.  I've got both pairs of my Zus nicely dialed in right now, so I'm hesitant to mess with it, but I've lusted for a pair of Druids for a long time and that's a good deal...
At half of the Druid 6s (which I now absolutely adore, btw), the Druid 5s would be a heck of a buy, in my opinion.  I still LOVE my Soul Supremes, which have all of the same drivers, I think.  Both sets of speakers at their current pricing would be a great pickup.  If you can afford 2x, I do recommend the Druid 6s.
I'm shocked at how few posts/reviews I'm seeing/finding/reading on the Druid 6s.  Perhaps no one is buying them?  I'm still extremely impressed with them, and totally glad I made the jump from the Soul Supremes.  I'm sadly still without my new listening space due to some renovation issues (contractors here are impossible to hold onto so everything is taking 5x longer than it should to complete).  So the 6s are still at the old house (which hasn't sold, also sadly).  But first-world problems beget a dedicated listening space that I can now play as absolutely loud as I want to in an otherwise empty house.

I heard a pair of Zu Druid 5s last week at a friends house for the first time, and while I enjoyed them a lot (and think they probably sounded a tad better than my Soul Supremes), I still greatly prefer the Druid 6 sound.  I do believe they are a substantial improvement, in Zu levels that is (all of their high-end stuff sounds great, so it's relative).  A lot more detail (which seems crazy to say), and a better low and middle-low end all else equal.

Where are the Druid 6 owners?