
Responses from parsons

Atma-Sphere MP1 with single-ended inputs and outputs? Adapters OK?
I appreciate all the feedback. I tried it with 3-4 SET amps actually with unfortunately the same results in each...never had the impact that the all Atma- in balanced provided when being driven single-ended from the MP-1.  Perhaps it was just som... 
Atma-Sphere MP1 with single-ended inputs and outputs? Adapters OK?
i had forgotten about this thread.  Sorry I never responded back to my own original post once I got further in my own search.   In the end I tried a number of different solutions.  Adapters seemed to be less than ideal for me on a number of diff... 
Zu Soul Supreme Recap -- Owners, what are your preferred system pairings with them?
Used Druid Vs could be a great call too, but with the room size hifi-buck mentions, that seems like maybe a better fit for SS's?  I'm sure Gerrit & crew will have given you good advice on that, if you talked to him already.  My buddy had Druid... 
Zu Soul Supreme Recap -- Owners, what are your preferred system pairings with them?
@hifi-buckI sincerely don't think you will regret the move up to Soul Supremes.  I realize the price is a lot higher than DWs (which are great value speakers in their own right), but the SS are a special little speaker.  I still have mine in spite... 
Zu Soul Supreme Recap -- Owners, what are your preferred system pairings with them?
I mentioned that term in my case to explain why I made some of the "investment" decisions I made in my system.  You are thinking about the decisions correctly in your case in my opinion.  If you lived with a set of speakers for 20 years, well done... 
Zu Soul Supreme Recap -- Owners, what are your preferred system pairings with them?
I'll try to answer why I kept the Soul Supremes over the Druid 6's (not 5's, as stated in the question--I never owned the 5s, but heard them a couple times)...but my answer will be unashamedly subjective in nature.  As scientific as I tried to mak... 
Zu Soul Supreme Recap -- Owners, what are your preferred system pairings with them?
Since this thread is still going, I will throw out a couple of additional amps that are phenomenal pairings.I got a hold of a custom 71a amp.  At 3/4 wpc it's sings way bigger and better than it should possibly be able to.  The tubes should be Cun... 
Zu Soul Supreme Recap -- Owners, what are your preferred system pairings with them?
Yeah, I still own them in spite of having sold almost all my other Zus (including the Druid 6s I "replaced" them with).  They are great little speakers for their size and purpose and really respond well to amp changes.  In the right room (slightly... 
Calling all (50 or less?) Falcon Kingswood Warren Edition LS3/5a owners...
I don't know where you're located, but I'm in Columbus, Ohio, and if you're ever in the area you're more than welcome to come for a listen (or make a special trip).  I could have had a chance to hear the standard Falcons but I was running very beh... 
Does anyone know what input tubes are in an Audion Golden Dream?
From this source, although from Golden Nights, I presume Audion used the same renamed tubes, 
Calling all (50 or less?) Falcon Kingswood Warren Edition LS3/5a owners...
Those are two awesome amp options from my reading, thank you!  Do the two have a noticeably different sound signature from one to the other?  I had a First Watt SIT 2 for a couple of years and didn't really realize that brand had some slightly hig... 
PS Audio PowerPlant P20 better than pure direct AC I get during the night?
@68pete Very helpful, appreciate the details.  Thank you!  I would like to hear one of their brand new units to compare...maybe I'll spend a little more for a newer model. 
PS Audio new Stellar Phono PreAmp?
thanks for the update!  interested in your progress... 
Cary Audio SLI-80HS vs Primaluna Dialogue HP or Evo Integrated Amps
The KT150s are not clinical nor SS sounding.  They're just not on the buttery and bloated end of the tube spectrum.  But try EL34s and see how you like them first...I agree that they're a lot cheaper way to go. 
Network Switches
Yes, good call, even DC cables make a difference.  The value you place on great sound may not justify the costs of these items, but if you really want to improve your sound, the options are there, and they work and add up (cost wise and benefits w...