if they are fully active and have an analog input, you can drive them with a tube preamp or a tube DAC.
??? Anyone Running Active Speakers Driven By A Tube PreAmp ???
Since active speakers either use Class A/B or Class D amplifiers, i’m curious if driving active speakers with a tube preamp brings the positive benifits of tubes to them,especially in added natural warmth,better staging & imaging...Thanks much,take care...
@carlsbad2 yes I realize that..What I'm wondering if if using a tube pre would be provide the same benifits as say running a standard tube pre with a solid state or digital amplifier & passive speakers or if any DSP that might be active in fully powered speakers would negate the use of a tube preamp.. |
Go with whatever provides the sound characteristics you’re looking for. If that’s tubes fine and if it’s solid state fine, but especially with a tube pre you should obviously pay attention to ensuring the output/input impedance characteristics are compatible. I like active ATC speakers, but if I ever own them I’ll surely pair them with a good tube preamp. Again, it totally depends on what sound characteristics you’re looking for. |
@soix ,so your saying that running on the analog input on the speakers,bypassing the DSP activated using Digital inputs, would allow the benifits of a tube preamp to be realized, acting the same as running a hybrid system with passive speakers? |