Anyone tested the Synergistic Research Vibratron ?

There is an acoustic room treatment system called Audio Art by Synergistic Reasearch (German company?) that consists of a 'vibratron', a 'Bass Station' and 'Satellite' devices for "as little as" $3,000. Has anyone tried this system and can share his/her observations?
I know a guy who was quantum tunneled with the vibratron. He was never quite the same. Wait, are we talking about the same things?
The guy that was quantum tunneled enacted major revenge though.

He shot his adversary with tuning bullets.

He was never quite the same.
Some would rather get taken out by a MIG than get quantum tunneled. I have to say that I fall into this camp.

This guy just didn't understand the proper setup of the vibratron. He clearly didn't know what he was getting into.