Anyone tried Oritek X-1 cables?

I've read the reviews and was curious if anyone's had any first hand experience with these cables and what were your impressions.

I received the X-2 interconnects today and they are simply without a doubt, the best interconnects I've ever had in my system. My reference until now had been the Magnan Signature but the Oriteks do all that the Magnan's did and more (in my system of course). They do everything right without overplaying or under-emphasizing any part of the audio range. The bass is solid, solid, solid. Detail is abundant and it feels as if the noise floor is lower than ever before. The imaging is first rate and the soundstage is deep and layered with voices and instruments each occupying their own space.

I'd read some professional reviews on the X-1's and have them in my system. The X-2's take it a to a whole new level. All the usual audio review cliches which in this case, apply in spades. Highly recommended.

hello guys :-)

Since I am at the point of wanting to sell my rig because of cables. :-( I'm wondering - where can the Oriteks be bought for a try?

You can only order the X-1 direct from the manufacturer. His name is Ori and his e-mail address is Ori's username on Audiogon is Serus. Happy listening. Ori is a very nice guy and responds to all e-mails.
I'm using the Oritek X-2's between preamp and amp, and although I have the X-1's, it sounds so good that I haven't replaced my Signal Cable Silver Resolutions(between RCA juntion box and moving coil transformer) yet. I should at least try this(system synergy, etc.).
I've met Ori and can vouch that he is an outstanding character. He brought over the X-1, X-2, and X-1B(balanced) which I auditioned. I concur that the X-1 is simply unmatched in its price range (and above) and really increased the musicality of my system (DAC1->Pathos Mark II->Triangle Antal ES). However, the X-2 does everything the X-1 does, only even better. Everything seems to shimmer. The X-1B may be the bargain of the bunch; in my system the balanced cable sounded very close to the single ended X-2, and is cheaper. This may be system dependent however.