Anyone Try a Mutech Hayabusa MC Cartridge with a Channel D Lino C Phono Stage

Has anyone tried the above combination and what do you think of the sonic presentation?


Showing 4 responses by eaneverson

@rauliruegas thank you for your input on the Hyabusa but the cartridges you referenced are at least double the cost and wouldn’t it be a stretch to expect the same level of performance from the Hyabusa?


@mijostyn  the concern with Ultra Eminent Ex would be the gain, at the the Lino 0db setting the gain would be around 74db which would be too high I think.

My current phono is set for 64db which translates to between 12-1 o’clock at my listening level with that much gain at a guess this would drop to maybe 9 o’clock on my preamp.

@audition__audio thanks for your input

@mijostyn that is for the minimum setting setting see note from Rob below for 1 ohm cartridge.

For a cartridge with a 1-ohm internal impedance, the gain with the Lino C set to its maximum setting is 85dB. So, by using the gain adjustment switches, 85, 79, and 73dB settings are available. If the cartridge has an internal impedance lower than 1 ohm, the gain will be greater. This dovetails with lower-impedance cartridges having lower output voltages, and needing higher gain.

@mijostyn comments noted, I will reach out to Rob again and ask. 

Have only used the passive RIAA and will have to to experiment once I get playback sorted.

Thank you for all of your responses, I’ve decided to switch back to a voltage input phono stage.