Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?

My sammle moved not only up an down but also sidewards.
The reason as far as I can judge is the pin on the screw
which connect the inner and the outer collar. The inner collar
slides along this pin up and down but if there is
any play between this pin and the notch of the inner collar
the tonearm will move also sidewards. This means that the
'replica' is not as 'exact' as claimed by the producer.
I assume that this screw is better made by the orginal B-60 .
Exactly, i don’t care about it at all. Also i don’t have any cartridge (i have about 20) that is so sensitive to the VTF or VTA, there is a range giving by the menufacturer anyway. In other words i just don’t understand people who are crazy about VTF/VTA for each record. If everything set up correctly i can not detect any difference in minor changes in my system which is very sensitive.

Slavic Riddle

What is the common element between someone that owns 20 (+) cartridges, and uses them all; and someone that changes VTA for every record ?

I think we change VTA for each different cartridge, but not for each record.

''Slavic Riddle?'' One of them collect speakers , the other collect

cartridges an the third collect  cartridges, tonearms and

TT's (chakster). What they have in common is the same hobby.

Nikola - A high level answer outside of the riddle scope. You have posted based on A and B conditions being met in the past.

A and B added to the Riddle.

What is the common element between A) someone that owns 20 (+) cartridges, and uses them all; and B) someone that changes VTA for every record ?

Hint - This common element to A and B is measurable by observation.  

Chakster - it is customary to provide a guess to a riddle.

@ct0517 , I have passed many exams but never (dare) to

say: ''I am sorry Professor but I don't understand the question''.

But you are not my Professor so I do dare to say this to you.