

Discussions nandric has started

The damper, the tension wire and cantilever position497170
''retip'', ''rebuild'' or ''refreshment'' by brother Bross12203
Replicant 100 stylus10355110
''Óriginal parts'', ''identity '' and ''retip'' conundrum8066116
On ''what there is''9971149
Deed any Usher BE-20 owner try the new diamond mid-range driver? 464310
Basis exclusive phono-pre16800
Obsidian plinth dust cover adjustment289023
Screw dimensions for fastening SP 10/25 to the plinth14092
Anyone familiar with Ikeda 9 series (cantileverless kind) MC cartridges?998737
What with or about irreparable cartridge?27848
Cartridges in general832422
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?1664399
Technics 205 suspension25621
What about diamond cantilever/stylus combo1035551