Anyone Try this?

Recent issue of Stereophile had a tweak suggestion to use thick felt pads versus spikes for speakers situated on hardwood floors; implied that there was no sonic degradation. Anyone ever try this, and if so findings?
There is a "spikist element" lurking around so be careful not to say too much about spike abandonment or you will feel their wrath. I de-coupled my Silverline Preludes from the wood floor with Vibrapods (on wood blocks to simply raise the tweeter level 4 inches or so…the pods are under the speaker's feet) a few years ago after having been a spiker for decades and man…works swimmingly and makes a lot of sense if you simply release your mind from the pokey grip of the Fundamentalist Spike Cabal.
Nobody goes for the "roller bearing" isolation concept as proposed by audiophile recording engineer Barry Diament, ay?