Anything as " fast" as SPECTRAL gear?

(My 90's vintage still sounds good with very good (no -exceptional) isolation and conditioning. (Sound Application, Equitech & MIT). SPECTRAL claims faster today. OK. Mid 90's hot cars went 205-210, todays 210-220. Does it make any difference to the music?
Spectral gear is about as fast as anything I've ever heard, as in I couldn't get out of the room fast enough. ;^)

That is why it is often mated with slow, rolled off cables, like MIT, to balance the sound.
"02-05-15: Douglas_schroeder
"Fast" means not so much unless you are speaking of a system."

I'm not sure I understand, can you clarify?
Fast, in this case, means how fast you bank account empties once you buy a Spectral item.
'Fast' often refers to risetime or slew rate. Spectrals have always been very 'fast' in this regard. 100V/microsecond is generally considered 'fast'.

Most tube amps are 'slow' by comparison- 15V/microsecond being typical. Our amps are 600V/microsecond- IOW they have speeds similar to the best solid state. Tubes are not inherently slow (after all, if they were, color television would not have been possible...). But there can be design elements that can slow any circuit down.

'Fast' and 'slow' should not be confused with 'bright' and 'dull'; these are entirely different things, even if an amp that is 'fast' is also 'bright'. There are different reasons for these things!