Anything as " fast" as SPECTRAL gear?

(My 90's vintage still sounds good with very good (no -exceptional) isolation and conditioning. (Sound Application, Equitech & MIT). SPECTRAL claims faster today. OK. Mid 90's hot cars went 205-210, todays 210-220. Does it make any difference to the music?
Hi Al(marg). Your informed and considerate posts are "very" much appreciated. Your background provides a great platform for your insights. My Dad was a Civil Engineer so I appreciate how thorough and appropriate an Engineer can be on a topic of interest. (Dad was a woodworking craftsman and built the boat that so enhanced my youth). Your comments invite me to further research. On a non technical side, I've checked your system indicates stock power cords. Please don't be offended at my totally subjective suggestion that you at least try an MIT Oracle AC 3 (non-networked) power cord. In my Spectral based system these have proven to be extremely effective in all components,including digital,--batting much higher than their approx $600.00 cost via Joe Abrams,their online dealer/discounter for Audiogon. I hope you will sense increased speed and refinement :- )
Thanks, Ptss. I appreciate the nice words and the suggestion. And I've noted in the past your frequent advocacy of the importance of addressing power quality and power-related issues.

I'll keep your specific suggestion in mind, for a future time. Next on my list, though, as you've seen in the DEQX thread you initiated, is purchase of an HDP-5 in the next month or two :-)

Best regards,
-- Al
Hi Al(marg). Your informed and considerate posts are "very"
much appreciated. Your background provides a great platform for your
insights. My Dad was a Civil Engineer so I appreciate how thorough and
appropriate an Engineer can be on a topic of interest. (Dad was a
woodworking craftsman and built the boat that so enhanced my youth).
Your comments invite me to further research. On a non technical side, I've
checked your system indicates stock power cords. Please don't be
offended at my totally subjective suggestion that you at least try an MIT
Oracle AC 3 (non-networked) power cord. In my Spectral based system
these have proven to be extremely effective in all components,including
digital,--batting much higher than their approx $600.00 cost via Joe
Abrams,their online dealer/discounter for Audiogon. I hope you will sense
increased speed and refinement :- )
Al, as you and Ralph are obviously the two most technically knowledgeable, I think it most appropriate for the two of you to also define/describe amplifier 'speed' from a subjective/sonic perspective. As yet, no one has given a description of what a 'fast' amp sounds like in comparison to something unremarkable. This goes to the op in reference to it's effect on the music. I'd like to hear references beyond HF transient performance/attack and bottom end definition. Grooming is necessary in this hobby just because of it's inherent limitations. The moon is too far away.
"define/describe amplifier 'speed' from a subjective/sonic perspective. As yet, no one has given a description of what a 'fast' amp sounds like in comparison to something unremarkable."

If you recall, you did ask this question a few days ago. I did my best to give you an answer and you got mad at me because of it. Have another look.

"02-09-15: Csontos
I think it would be useful to get a subjective description of just what the attributes of a 'fast' amp are sonically. What does speed sound like in an amp in comparison to mediocrity? Anyone?"

"All components contribute to a systems illusion of speed, so its hard to isolate just the amp. But overall, from a subjective perspective, you need to listen to how the system is reproducing the attack, resonance and decay of whatever instruments are on the recording. When the attack, or leading edge of a note is being highlighted more so than the other 2, you'll probably interpret that as speed, or PRAT."

"02-09-15: Csontos
Can you give an example of an amp that is outstanding in this regard?"

"I bought a Musical Fidelity A3.5 integrated. It had way too much attack, or speed. So much so, that unless you have a really dull sounding system that needs a band aid fix like that, it just wears you down and starts to sound like a gimmick. Its kind of hard to find an example like that any more, because most designers have been trying to get their designs to have more of a balanced sound to them. And for the most part, they've been successful. Tube designers try to get they're gear to have more SS qualities, and SS designers trying to get some tube aspects in their designs. That type of thing.
Zd542 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

And for those answers, I got this.

"02-10-15: Csontos
Zd, I would think the opposite is the case in fact. Deliberately not designing true to life character seems to be the gimmick among tube amp designers especially. Just because of the well known quirky expectations of their market base. From what I gather, tubes sounding closer to ss is more trendy than vise versa. If the sound is 'balanced' as you say, it will display serious speed and reality does. If that's not what you want, it's okay to be honest and not obfuscate or try to reinvent the English language. "

"02-11-15: Csontos
Zd, I do own a few amps. You clearly favor tubes so I responded commensurate with your bent. Not everyone considers your subjective view as reality btw. I'm perfectly happy with your answer. I just think it's bullshit, that's all. I expected as much."

To sum up, you asked for a subjective opinion and I gave you one. Then you asked me for an example, so I gave you one. What exactly do you think the word subjective means? Maybe we don't think its the same thing. If someone else dares to give you an answer, are you going to attack them as well?