Hi Al(marg). Your informed and considerate posts are "very"
much appreciated. Your background provides a great platform for your
insights. My Dad was a Civil Engineer so I appreciate how thorough and
appropriate an Engineer can be on a topic of interest. (Dad was a
woodworking craftsman and built the boat that so enhanced my youth).
Your comments invite me to further research. On a non technical side, I've
checked your system indicates stock power cords. Please don't be
offended at my totally subjective suggestion that you at least try an MIT
Oracle AC 3 (non-networked) power cord. In my Spectral based system
these have proven to be extremely effective in all components,including
digital,--batting much higher than their approx $600.00 cost via Joe
Abrams,their online dealer/discounter for Audiogon. I hope you will sense
increased speed and refinement :- )
much appreciated. Your background provides a great platform for your
insights. My Dad was a Civil Engineer so I appreciate how thorough and
appropriate an Engineer can be on a topic of interest. (Dad was a
woodworking craftsman and built the boat that so enhanced my youth).
Your comments invite me to further research. On a non technical side, I've
checked your system indicates stock power cords. Please don't be
offended at my totally subjective suggestion that you at least try an MIT
Oracle AC 3 (non-networked) power cord. In my Spectral based system
these have proven to be extremely effective in all components,including
digital,--batting much higher than their approx $600.00 cost via Joe
Abrams,their online dealer/discounter for Audiogon. I hope you will sense
increased speed and refinement :- )