02-19-15: CsontosThanks for the nice words in your post, Peter. I'm not sure how to answer your question, though. Consistent with Ralph's comment, there are simply too many variables that can be expected to be involved to be able to formulate a meaningful general purpose answer. It stands to reason that wide bandwidth and fast risetime and slew rate will tend to be helpful, but only indirectly if at all once they get above a certain point (for example, the 200 kHz bandwidth figure I cited earlier, corresponding to 10x the nominal upper limit of audibility).
If the relationship between technical parameters and subjective perception is indirect or vague, then how does someone set out to design a 'subjectively fast' amp? Is it just a crap shoot? Technically, what descriptors must an amp possess in order to facilitate subjective speed? Isn't this the goal?
As with most sonic characteristics of audio components, I would expect accurate reproduction of those sonic attributes which contribute to a realistic perception of "speed" to be more than anything else a function of the knowledge, experience, and thoroughness of the particular designer, and of his or her priorities in addressing the innumerable tradeoffs that enter into any design.
Best regards,
-- Al