Hello friends.
Our differing perceptions are addressed,circumspectly, in an interesting way, way out of our field, in these BBC news articles. I hope you find them interesting. I include the one on memory so you understand me better. I had a head injury in 1989,and, 26 years later, am still learning about it's effects and how to work with them. Suffice to say that I live in the present-(with no choice in the matter) :-)
I will submit more; however, do not think polarity or absolute phase is non-existant or irrelevant; as I've said, it's something you may not see until someone points it out; but, after that you will be aware and will appreciate it "can" or 'may" add to your listening pleasure- your appreciation of the composer or player---and your equipment!!! (and electricity conditioning--who will put regular gas in a Ferrari??? Hint; no one who pays for one.)
Cheers, I've survived my 3rd heart surgery--yahoo!!