Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?

I never heard his amps, but some writers say just that - nothing transistor sounds better.
What do you think ? 
I listened on youtube a few systems with D'Agostino amps and preamps and liked a lot what I heard.

Let's not argue about youtube listening. "Better" might be both subjective and objective, it is complicated.
We are not talking about tube amps. I bet, something like top of the line VAC or Wavac would sound..well, incredible.
This comparison is not quite fair because D'Agustino preamp is in both set-ups. But, can you hear the difference, regardless of what you prefer ?
D'Agostino Momentum is one of my favorite SS amps.  Fantastic driving Wilson Alexx.  Prefer them over Constellation, Ayre, Pass ... haven't heard latest Boulder or MSB.   Luxman minor league in comparison IMO.
His exwife makes a half decent intergrated in the Krell K300i at fractions of the cost imo.