Apogee Acoustics Caliper,which amp?

I have mccormack dna ht1(100x2),yamaha mx1000u(260x2)&citation 5.1(200x2)all are high current.Which amp is for bass&mids.
Try a Krell KSA-150 or a Classe over 100 watts. Bet they'll act right then; and you won't have to bi-amp either.
Jason Bloom used Classe' amps designed by Dave Reich (the DR series: 6,7,8,9 and 10--the last called the "Ten" with an owner's manual stating it was a DR-10). The synergism was excellent with Apogees. BTW, Jason also used SYMO (Swiss) speaker cable exclusively; in fact, SYMO was sold almost exclusively by Apogee dealers specifically as a match for the speakers--I still use mine with a pair of Avalons. Jason also used Krell amps ocassionally, but was extremely partial to Dave's Classe' designs.
Sorry to say but I must agree with everyone on this one and say krell or classe are abut it
Tough speakers! but they shine with the Krell KSA250's or the old Levinsons! An uncle tried it with the older Carver, Perreaux, even the Mac and no luck! you need muscle in this speaker!