Apogee stage manual speaker distance chart

Does anyone else but me not understand the chart that's in the apogee manual about speaker distance to the rear wall? I've scoured the net looking for someone as stupid as me but, alas, I have failed. Any help out there?
Thanks for the responses guys. I was sort of interested on other peoples respective 'takes' on the chart, concerned with the chart specifically. I can't make heads or tails of it.

Here's a link to the manual: http://www.apogeespeakers.com/manuals/stage_manual.pdf

I got these about 2 weeks ago. Coming from Maggie mg2's. The maggies cast larger images (a benefit of the size) aside from that, I'd say everything else the stages do better. I always thought the mid range of the maggies was awesome but the stages I believe have a more transparent midrange. I would describe the maggies mids as "wooly" in comparison. But there's no doubt about one thing, the bass and treble are much better served with the stages.

Using a Macintosh mx-110 tube pre and adcom 5500 MOSFET amp with 350w to 4 ohms. Mapleshade speaker cables bi-wired and blue jeans ic's. Taking shipment of a vpi hw-19 mk3 (will have soundsmith smmc3 cart) on Friday bought right here on agon. Coming from a kenwood kd-550 with stock arm which will now be doing mono duty.

What do you guys think?
Against all recommendations, I had my Stages 10-inches from
the wall in back of them and they sounded extraordinary,
with no boom. They were on the long wall of a 20x13 room.
Maybe the soundstage would have been deeper with them further from the wall, but the tonality and you-are-there presentation were so fine I didn't care.

They sounded like a wall that I usually hear between speakers and my ears had disappeared.
Thinking of getting some mapleshade clearview ic's to replace the blue jeans from pre to amp. Thoughts? Anyone have experience with goin from blue jeans to mapleshade?