Apparently new artist don't even know what a melody is and drum machines suck

l'm not a fan of new country however why does every song sound the same? And Apparently real drumming is a dying art as drum machines rule the roost. Nobody knows how to write a melody anymore even if i didn't like the style of music i could respect a well written melody well not anymore.How long before music will be 100% phased out. Are we next? This generation doesn't even know what the word audiophile means.When i used to open the audio magazines back in the 1970's as a teenager the pages came alive and everybody was enthusiastic about the sound of real music and how it made us feel and when you got concert tickets to your favorite band and showed up at school the next day wearing the concert tee,you instantly became cool.l feel sorry for those generations who did not get to experience real living and happiness what's that? O.k no we did not have computers or cell phones or 500 cable T.V channels and we didn't need them because we were to busy living. and if i wanted to play video games i hit the arcade with my friends and we laughed and had a good time,Does anybody remember good times. l wouldn't trade being a teenager again for the memories of a life spent living which is something this generation will sadly never know my friends.
Sam here and the people who own the record companies also own the radio stations and the billboard charts and if you got real talent you have no chance of getting played all they want is lifeless music about sex drugs killingĀ  that's all folks game over and no time left for a reset
You should look into indie music. There is still a lot of talent out there.
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On this score I totally agree that you are NOT going to find great new music by talented musicians on any mainstream radio station, period.

As has been mentioned for better venues.
College stations, streaming services, both Spotify and Qobuz have whole sections just dedicated to new and up and coming artists.
Too much greatĀ  stuff and not enough time to listen!