Apple Mini 'puter as a CD jukebox?

I've ripped all of my CD's as WAV files on to two 160gb WD external drives and I'm thinking it would be cool to use a 'puter as a "CD Player". It would be really easy to use iTunes as a master play list, scroll, click, listen. The entire system ought to come in under $1000 all told.

The new Mac Mini would be a logical choice since it has two USB 2.0 ports for my hard drives and it's quite small and inexpensive. A small flat panel monitor would be required, and of course a wireless mouse and keyboard. The thing I'm not sure about is the audio output on the Mac Mini; not much info at all on the Apple site. Could you simply run a Y-cable from the Mac Mini to your preamp, or does it require an external DAC?

So, what would the system end up loooking like? I'm guessing:

- two 160gb hard drives ($110 each)
- Mac Mini ($499)
- BenQ wireless mouse ($25)
- Small wireless keyboard. Suggestions?
- Small flat panel monitor.. less than 15". Suggestions?
- DAC (I'm assuming it's required). Suggestions?

When all is said and done this could be a nice alternative, I'm not sure it'll rival $1000 CD players though. I'm intrigued with the concept of using a computer as a dedicated jukebox and would love some feedback/ideas/opinions. Thanks, Jeff

I imported the WAV's using iTunes. Any particular USB DAC come to mind? Thanks, Jeff
Seems as if the mechanically simplest way to rig it would be to get the optional Airport Extreme wireless card with the Mini, which would be handy for internet surfing anyway, and plug in an Airport Express unit at your stereo location.

I can't comment on the quality/DAC issues, though.
Wouldn't you want to stream the audio over wireless? I can't see running long cables from the Mac box to your system. How would this work with Apple's plug in iPod wall-wart device?

- Eric
The "Mini Mac as audio server?" thread is about this very thing. Not so much whether it can be done--a Y-connector will certainly work--but whether it can be done well. Getting the audio out of the Mac is the real thing, and there are a number of options, very few of them $100-cheap. If you haven't bought the Mac mini yet, this is sure worth considering.

If you're ripped all those discs, you must have another computer. Use a Y-connector to hook it up to your system. Are you happy with the sound? The mini won't likely sound much different. This to say, yes I'd expect to buy a solid DAC to rival $1k-CDP sound.

The Mac mini will need some help to support a wireless keyboard--bluetooth or a USB port for an IR adapter or whatever. A bluetooth/wifi setup costs an extra $100. I'd sure recommend 512MB of RAM instead of the stock 256. In other words, getting out the door with the stock $499 is a bit tricky. If you could get an external FireWire HD case, you could open up a USB port. (I do love FireWire, I must admit.)

A whole lot of options out there. If you have a specific budget, that's probably good to state up-front. Best of luck; plenty of other people at least scheming to do the same.

Thanks for the responses so far folks. I have a Dell laptop (running XP) but use it for work, the intent of this proposed set up would be to use it as a dedicated audio front end. Put the 'puter, external hard drives, and small screen on my audio rack and leave it set up. So an Airport Express, additional RAM etc. wouldn't be necessary.

I haven't tried this idea with my current laptop since it wouldn't be pressed into service as a jukebox for any length of time. The digital jukebox would be used with my main system: please click on My System and take a look at the associated gear if you're so inclined.

Since I already have the hard drives, USB hub, and decent interconnects I'm thinking I'd spend an additional $1000 for this jukebox rig. The Mac Mini is half of the budget, so I'd allocate $500 for the DAC (if a DAC is really required, it sure would be easier if the Apple site was more informative). I'll wait to hear more, if it seems like a safe bet to take the plunge I'll pick up a Mini in Hong Kong next weekend. Regards, Jeff