I have a new refurbished Apple phone that I have spent quit a bit of time trying to contact somebody at Apple to fix it....Its one month old......I have to wonder how a person can call a Apple person without spending the rest of there life trying to contact someone in the communication business.....I have tried e-mail, of course no body has a phone number, but if your phone doesn;t work , how would you call them anyhow......Maybe I should just sell it and get another brand that works.............What do you think ?? 
Wow, I signed up on an audio website to read about classic Kyocera gear, and found someone whining about an Apple phone.  I feel like I stepped into the Twilight Zone.
Welcome, you get it all here. I have owned Kyocera cd players, and an integrated amp, all excellent performers, with great build quality.
Very under rated.

Well:  I have spent two-three months with my new Apple phone and my new Apple I pad and I can't beleave people will actually spend money on something this worth-less, Beteen pass-words, user-names and codes......A person could spend a good part of ones life just trying to call someone or like tonight, trying to download a "App"......It is a absolute joke to buy something like this so you can set your heat in your house, watch the people next door, operate your Streamer and maybe call someone.......Only if you have enough codes, pass-words, and pure luck...............Every time I see someone passing pictures around or looking at there house from afar, I get a real a big smile on my face............If someone told you that you had to have a Apple phone, you would fight them to the death.......WHAT A JOKE  ???

I’m definitely not a “techie”. I can mutter my way thru an Apple product. I do however agree that sometimes these devices are not very intuitive.  My wife usually steps in when she sees me yelling at my IPad or phone.  Don’t feel bad autospec, it took me a few years to figure out how to post a pic from a hosting site.  True story.