Aragon Stage One vs Anthem 30 for best imag/stage

I have 2 Accrus 200x3 power amps;looking to sell a Rotel 1066 and choose either Aragon/Anthem for Martin Logan Ascents or Questz/ with Velodyne 15. Room 20x30. Sony 50'Wega, and I like classical, new age, and rock like U2 or Allman Bros, and movies like Fellowship Ring trilogy, Starwars, etc. Looking for great detail like everyone else, but want the big sound stage and real great imaging. Sound first, then pictue quality. Any thought on which amp might preform better in this match? Any thoughts on either amp heard in another system. thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by camino3x2

I think we're almost to the point of no Stage Ones available new. I got mine through Acoustic Sounds, but they've discontinued them in the catalog & web site. Same with the other online retailers. I think the prices have already started to go back up again.

A fine processor. Buy it NOW if you want one--and if you can find one!